Sunday, October 11, 2015

Just go on the wall.

bathroom, bathrooms, restroom, restrooms, washroom, washrooms, lavatory, lavatories, latrine, latrines, toilet, toilets, ablution, ablutions, bidet, bidets, commode, commodes

These "urinals," found in Manila, Philippines, are essentially 3 walls and a step up. The building owner is literally asking male patrons to urinate on the wall or, if you look at the trench at the bottom, directly onto the floor.

As we have traveled the world, we have seen a great variety of bathrooms, which is why we have a blog dedicated to them. And except for this bathroom, which is just a floor, and this mural, which suggests urinating on the wall, we've never seen deliberate construction encouraging either behavior. This building owner actually paid money to encourage normally-discouraged behavior.

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